Hours per week 3-4
Levels 6
British English
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually-engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through to B1 of the Common European Framework (CEFR). Each level covers 90-120 hours of classroom instruction and more than 20 hours of supplementary materials in the Teacher’s Toolkit.
Sample unit
Scope & sequence
With Stopwatch, students will:
- Engage with authentic, down-to-earth topics.
- Develop visual literacy skills through icons and high-impact photos.
- Enhance their critical thinking skills by answering relevant, thought-provoking questions.
- Develop an awareness of cultural diversity in the global community.
- Be motivated by timed activities and challenges.
- Enjoy hands-on projects and practice in print and digital formats.
Components and resources

Student’s Book & Workbook

Student’s CD


Learn more about Stopwatch: Student’s Book & Workbook
Available in print or digital versions, the Student’s Book & Workbook is your students’ blended learning package for in and out of class. Its eye-catching, magazine feel will grab their interest with authentic-looking, motivating activities, and the opening Big Questions will get their higher-order thinking skills working! Units are divided into two-page sections, starting with vocabulary and grammar, followed by sections for skills development (two skills per unit), cultural knowledge, and Projects. The integrated Workbook section and Toolkit Worksheets make sure your students get plenty of practice.

Big Question
The Big Question establishes the theme of the unit and encourages students’ critical thinking, curiosity and an interest in learning.

Rich visual support helps convey meaning to the thematic sets of vocabulary presented and Glossary boxes explain new words.

Grammar is completely contextualized, so students can clearly see the meaning, form and use of structures.

Think Fast!
These quick-thinking games give students a limited amount of time to complete a verbal challenge! The Stopwatch icon shows how many minutes or seconds they get to do it in!

The four language skills (two skills in each unit) are practiced through high-interest topics, with Be Strategic! tips for skills development.

Students can experience the rich diversity of cultures and peoples on our planet with these two-page, highly-photographic Culture lessons.

Students apply the skills they learned throughout the unit to a creative Project task connected to the Big Question. We guide students through the linguistic and conceptual preparation for their projects.
Learn more about Stopwatch: Student’s CD
All the course listening material is available on the Student’s CD, and also in the Digital Book.
Learn more about Stopwatch: App
Your students can download the chronometer app and use it to keep time in the Think Fast! challenges in their books, as well as practice its fun vocabulary games.
Learn more about Stopwatch: RLP
With the RLP, students can experience a complete online learning environment in digital classrooms or at home with a laptop. They can access a fully interactive version of their Student’s Book & Workbook to do the exercises digitally, with embedded audio, and can also do extra online practice with digital versions of the Worksheets from your Toolkit – which are instantly graded to give your students feedback, so you can assign them as homework, or they can work on them independently at their own pace. The Stopwatch app is also downloadable here.

Every unit has two Grammar, Reading and Vocabulary Worksheets each, all 100% interactive – including audio where needed, so you can assign them as homework or students can work on them independently. Like all RLP activities, your students get immediate feedback and their results go automatically to your Markbook.

Teacher’s Guide

Toolkit CD

Digital Book


Learn more about Stopwatch: Teacher’s Guide
Everything you need for successful lessons that meet your students’ needs: There are clear objectives at the start of each section, and a fun warm-up activity to review prior knowledge and prepare students for the lesson. Step-by-step instructions guide you through each activity, including answer keys and listening scripts. Wrap-up tasks practice and personalize newly-learned material at the end of the lesson, usually in the form of a game. An Extension activity in every lesson encourages students to use the language to communicate in real-life situations.

Unit Opener
This page summarizes the vocabulary, grammar and the two skills covered in the unit, and gives you ideas for using the highly visual Big Question page, as well as a Teaching Tip.

Homework Check!
This box at the start of every lesson gives you the answers to the Workbook homework activities.
Learn more about Stopwatch: Toolkit CD
Two CDs supply you with the nuts and bolts you’ll need to successfully fine tune your Stopwatch! The first CD contains all the Class Audio and printable/photocopiable Worksheets; while the second has a complete printable Stopwatch Tests package: Tests, the Test Audio, Project evaluation criteria, and self-assessment Scorecards.
Learn more about Stopwatch: Digital Book
Learn more about Stopwatch: App
Encourage your students to download the chronometer app and keep time in the Think Fast! challenges in their books, as well as practice its fun vocabulary games.
Learn more about Stopwatch: RLP
With the RLP, students can experience a complete online learning environment in digital classrooms or at home with a laptop, meaning you can track them while they’re at it! Their interactive Student’s Book & Workbook activities, and the extra online Worksheets from your Toolkit, are instantly graded to give your students feedback, and to let you track their progress as they work. You can assign exercises as homework through the platform, or they can work on them independently at their own pace. The Stopwatch app is also downloadable here.
For Students | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 |
Stopwatch (SB&WB) | 9786070612381 | 9786070612442 | 9786070612411 | 9786070612428 | 9786070613562 | 9786070612398 |
For Teachers | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 |
Teacher's Guide | 9786070612503 | 9786070612497 | 9786070612480 | 9786070612473 | 9786070613753 | 9786070612466 |